Lesson 1 Introduction

Welcome to the 4R online suicide prevention training.

Participation is key. You will only get out of this what you put into it. Write meaningful comments, share your best-practices, do ALL of the assigned tasks, and be on time. This is not a typical military training, but the military standards remain. Be respectful. Be on time. Do the work. Follow directions. Learn.

Chances are, you have never had an in-depth course on suicide prevention from the command level. Over the course of 2-days, you will learn valuable skills to be successful in your commands. There will be a lot of information packed into the next 48-hours so please focus, do not try to multi-task, and if you have any questions, please reach out to the instructor or your assigned Suicide Prevention Program Manager.

This is not the Army ACE, but you will learn the same skills presented in a new way.

This class has proven to be an informative lesson for many military members who have taken the course. Even First Sergeants have commented about learning new things through this course.

It is recommended that you do an annual refresher of this training to keep up the skills.

This training may be difficult for you if you have had any recent incidents with suicide, or if you struggle with thoughts of suicide yourself. Please write down the number to the crisis hotline before you get started:

Dial 9-8-8.

Lesson 1 FM training.pdf
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